Taking that step to turn something you love into a bit of extra cash, it can be really daunting!
'How hard could it be to build a business taking photos?' I hear you ask.
..you'd be surprised!
When you make the decision to step your game up from 'side hustle' to 'full time photographer', you also make the decision to take on all the 'hidden extras' of being an entrepreneur.
In a single moment, you're now responsible for more than just photos.
Our 'GET SCHOOLED FRIDAYS' blog edition was created to help guide new photographers and enhance the businesses of established photographers.
Released weekly, along with some great tips and tricks, emailed straight to your inbox, we share what we've learnt and what we wished we knew from day one!
Subscribe to our 'Get Schooled' Mailing List and let us help you to grow your business and build your confidence without paying a cent!
See you inside!